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Repayable grant

Repayable grant

Repayable grant is provided to social enterprises to support the scale-up of their solution, where the grantee is obligated to repay (partially or fully) the grant when a certain level of profit and/or revenue and/or investment leveraged are achieved as specified in the grant agreement.

The following criteria need to be fulfilled in order to be eligible for a SCBF repayable grant

This grant is best suited for impact enterprises, e.g. tech-enabled companies, that are expected to be commercially strong and profitable in the mid-/long term. In particular, enterprises with a tried and tested business model that are post pilot stage and have a solid product/service and customer base.

  • Financial inclusion focus: The enterprise works in the financial inclusion space and has a positive impact on end-clients.
  • End clients: The enterprise end clients are in low-income groups, for example, MSMEs, clients in rural areas, low-income women and/or migrants.
  • Sustainability: The focus of the business is to be financially self-sustaining. The business model is profitable in the long term and not grant dependent (less than 50% of the total capital mix).
  • Mid to late early-stage SMEs close to profitability: The company is expected to reach break-even within 2 years after the SCBF investment and to generate enough cash-flow from its operations for the SCBF funds to be repaid within five years.
  • Track record: The company is operational for minimum 18 months and generates substantial revenues (minimum CHF 400’000). At least one (preferably audited) financial statement must be presented by the company. Other factors (number of clients, etc) will be considered based on the business model.
  • Staff and management expertise: The company has the management capacity, human resources, and know-how to substantially scale their activities.
  • Investor: Priority will be given to companies where an (financial or impact) investor plans to invest a substantial share in the company.
  • Scaling: Enterprise that aims at scaling a particular solution in the financial inclusion space with high development impact. In general, only scaling of an existing business line will be considered. However, the scaling up of a new business line can be considered if there is a strong rationale that explains why going into a new business line is crucial (for example to fill a gap in the value chain).
  • Target country: Working in the SCBF’s eligible or priority countries.
  • Outreach: Expected significant outreach to support the business model in the next two to five years.
  • The company complies with the Client Protection Standards.

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