
SCBF publishes the 2021 Annual Report

September 22, 2022
March 13, 2024
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2021 was a challenging year on many fronts, with the enduring COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and ensuing global crises on social, political and economic fronts slowing progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same time, 2021 also marked 10 years of the Swiss Capacity Building Facility (SCBF) leveraging partnerships, networks and Swiss expertise in finance to foster innovations for inclusive finance.

Since inception, SCBF has been pushing the envelope for new business models, powered by digital technologies, to better respond to challenges preventing low-income clients, especially women, smallholder farmers and MSMEs (micro, small and medium sized enterprises) in developing and emerging contexts from accessing meaningful and affordable financial products, services or channels. In 2021, SCBF committed over CHF 1.36 million towards new projects. These focus on digital transformation for effective and efficient service delivery, micro-property insurance to enhance the resilience of low-income households and innovative index-based insurance to protect smallholder farmers from climate risk.

The Annual Report for 2021 outlines the activities undertaken in the past year and contributions made by SCBF to the global inclusive finance agenda.

Here are some of the key highlights from 2021:

  1. 370,000 unique end-clients benefitted from the innovative and tailored financial products, services or channels fostered thanks to SCBF’s funding interventions in 2021.
  2. Since inception, SCBF has touched the lives of 2.9 million end-clients, of whom 62% are women.
  3. SCBF funded 10 innovative projects focusing on digital financial inclusion, climate change finance and insurance in 2021, with a potential to reach at least 600,000 people (including more than 56% women).
  4. For every CHF 1 of donor funding from the public sector, SCBF has catalysed CHF 1.59 of private sector resources, demonstrating a commitment to and expertise in fostering public-private collaboration for inclusive finance.

Moving forward, SCBF aims to amplify the effectiveness and reach of co-funding interventions by focusing on articulating a new strategic direction, testing novel approaches, and bringing together partners to maximise synergies.  

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