How digital communication channels deepen customer engagement in India

Digital transformation was on-going prior to COVID-19 but the pandemic led to accelerated efforts both by end-users and financial institutions to adapt to digital communications technologies and channels to tide over the unpredictable and unprecedented lockdowns and restrictions. During the pandemic, for financial institutions, communication with clients as well as staff became a huge challenge with inconsistent and delayed information exchange. To overcome the communication barriers and to ensure reliable and relevant information flow, digital platforms have become essential.
Annapurna Finance Pvt. Ltd. a microfinance institution in India, realising this partnered with Accion’s Global Advisory Solutions to develop and deploy a Customer Engagement Platform to engage with the customers digitally via a direct channel. With funding support from Swiss Capacity Building Facility, they launched the Platform in July 2022 and are currently ramping up the capabilities to enhance its usage, streamlining data flows and reporting. While continuing the scale-up, it will be equally important to focus on the simplicity and relevance of this digital journey for different customer segments based on their varying levels of understanding and usage of digital tools. In a blog Amit Gupta & Aditya Agarwal of Accion share their thoughts on this.
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