Blue Marble joins SCBF as the 30th member

SCBF is pleased to welcome its newest and 30th member – Blue Marble. Blue Marble is an insurtech with a mission to create socially impactful, commercially viable inclusive insurance solutions for the underserved. It is co-owned by five insurance entities and focuses on climate protection and personal insurance for groups such as smallholder farmers, microentrepreneurs and other underserved communities.
With aligned synergies, we look forward to capitalizing on each other’s strengths to take our common objective of promoting inclusive finance forward. Here’s what our colleague at Blue Marble have to say on this partnership.
Blue Marble is thrilled to join the Swiss Capacity Building Facility (SCBF)!
As an Impact Insurtech, our mission is strongly aligned with SCBF’s of enhancing inclusive finance for low-income populations in emerging markets, especially women, smallholder farmers and MSMEs.
Our team of experts work with multinationals, development agencies and governments to design and implement products tailored to the unique needs of underserved individuals and small businesses, especially in relation to climate risks. As a result, our programs give people the confidence to continue investing in their livelihoods, pursuing education, contributing to their local economies, and playing their part in global supply chains.
We are delighted to be taking our partnership with SCBF to the next level through full membership and are looking forward to the positive impact we will make together for the communities we serve.
Jaime de Piniés
CEO, Blue Marble
To learn more about how to become an SCBF member, reach out to us at